時間:2018-08-02 18:34 作者:admin 返回列表
Low nitrogen burner, as a new type of combustion technology, has been widely used. Low nitrogen combustion, that is, low NOx combustion technology, is a technology that uses the pressure head of combustion air to absorb part of the combustion gas, enter the burner and mix with the air. Because of the gas recirculation, the heat capacity of the flue gas is large and the combustion temperature is reduced. The unique and novel nozzle structure divides natural gas into several small flames. Because of the large heat dissipation area and low flame temperature, the "thermal reaction NO" has been reduced. In addition, the flame shortens the retention time of oxygen and nitrogen in the flame, and has obvious inhibitory effect on the "thermal reaction NO" and "fuel NO", thus achieving the decrease of NOx and the effect of environmental reduction.
因為燃氣的有害燃燒產物主要組成為NOx、CO,減少有害排放的主要途徑是減少NOx的排放。北京眾誠永源節能環保技術有限公司的燃燒器廠研發出的燃氣燃燒器金屬纖維燃燒頭技術應用功率從5kW到40,000kW,保證了低氮氧化合物的排放。北京眾誠永源節能環保技術有限公司的分體式低氮燃燒器燃燒器裝上帶低氮氧排放的金屬纖維燃燒火管。利用煙氣內循環燃燒頭技術應用到中心回焰式鍋爐上,并且采用了一種稱之為自由火焰的燃燒頭技術應用到三回程的鍋爐上,有效地并且大大降低燃燒器的NOx排放有害物質和控制值范圍 。如果對于低氮燃燒器還有什么問題就可以直接聯系我們北京眾誠永源節能環保技術有限公司。
Because the harmful combustion products of gas are mainly composed of NOx and CO, the main way to reduce harmful emissions is to reduce NOx emissions. The technical application power of the combustion head of the gas burner of the combustor of Beijing created by the combustor plant of the mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. is from 5kW to 40000kW, which ensures the emission of low nitrogen and oxygen compounds. A separate low nitrogen burner burner in Beijing is equipped with a metal fiber combustion burner with low nitrogen and oxygen emissions. The internal circulation combustion head technology is applied to the central back flame boiler, and a combustion head technology called free flame is applied to the boiler of the three return, which effectively and greatly reduces the NOx emission of the combustor and the range of the control value. If there are any problems with low nitrogen burner, we can directly contact our Beijing Chuangwei Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.Copyright ? 2018 北京眾誠永源節能環保技術有限公司 專注于低氮燃燒器設計、改造、銷售和安裝。網站地圖 備案號:京ICP備10001485號-1